WE NEED SILENCE TO BE ABLE TO TOUCH SOUL. Someone has said too true “ FOLLOW THE SOUL , IT KNOWS THE WAY “ I am always spend time connect to my soul and try to see blue sky. In life many times we had moments when we don’t know the ways of ahead and we bother self with unnecessary and untouched matters. But instead of bother self we should give a chance to soul and then you would know that you have all answers and solution . Now the question is how we can attach to soul so the answer is “you know it”. Soul need silence to connect with you and prove that you should believe on self. So I am spend my time alone with music ( which relate to my situation ).all the time soul give me a way which gives me relied and great experience. You know the soul is rare but when you see it – basically because you feel good, very good when you are near or with them . So try it because soul sent your prays to god 😊and then share you experience It would be grateful for me If I...