
Showing posts with the label FITNESS

Wings to Dream

wings to dream    

Think Next

  THINK NEXT      

beauty of your journey

Capturing the beauty of your journey   This is one the  photos I love…with memories of life. some one true said  "  To be happy you must be your own sunshine."         I am always finding a ways to Explore the Natural Attraction and beauty of journey. again I am going to share alternate routine of nature bonding what I am experiencing. everyone is provide a GYAN about Trust in you, be with you , believe in you. But do anyone tell you how ?  I tried to focus on particular word " STABILITY " and start learning with many of legends experiences who live and fill the effect of this word and keep open it for world to apply on their was amazing journey what I had face and fill the value of changes. so let me share the one of my routine. Around 6 Km and some of blocks far from my home there is one water Dam where usually no one would come as it has several ownership lands and Farm houses. Some of my friends are used to go for photography as it has magical natural


SPIN BALL   Hey! All Hope you doing well and makes good vibes around “ Today I am going to share an Experience of Learning Spinning ball on Finger “ Some one has said “    Ideas without action aren’t ideas.                 They’re regrets               “ It was firstly I saw a girl spinning ball on her Single finger continuously. I was surprised and interesting to   staring her. Same time I thought I also can do it and I turn my full focus on that ball. After some days Purchase a new ball to practice. I tried many times around thousand and more slowly slowly balance set and finally I would become a boy who can spin the ball on finger. Interesting thing is journey of between (I don’t know spin ball on finger to I can ) which makes me much inspire. With this experience I understand all good things has their own cost. As, I Paid to many Balls , Much Time in practice , Much pain in finger and excitement.  this over all experience learn me “ You would get everything in thi

Look Behind.

   Look Behind          Hi, i hope you all Well and caring you and your family. it's really tough situation we are facing and along with we experiencing many of new circumstances but the lead is we doing. OK so let me come to theme of this week.   so it's just a random click with camera but need it caption. it was a lock down time when we all are spending a time with our family to fight with covid19 and break the chain. we all doing many of activities to pass time and convert alarming moment in golden moment. so it was also one of activity that i tried. it's just a random click with caption " Look Behind " when i was making this theme i  missed so much of my school times and think That if i see in behind of me what i was and what i made my self it was live moment i had in past. so s i am working on another different theme i thought share my one of good vibe and motivation click for self.  Take care and look behind to experience how you changed yourself. Thanks. 😊

Real Horsepower

It's Real Horsepower I am really not able but it’s my imagination that I compare with Real Horse Power. Someone said “If you want stable and honest friendship Get a Horse “ Let me come to theme what I made. This theme is really great of the imagination I experienced. This imagination started from one car showroom when the experts provide car features and all and in whole meeting I just noticed that they use one word with fully confidence and that was “ HORSEPOWER”. I was really shocked and Excited to know that why do they compare this car to Horsepower. I search and know that The reason car engines are measured in horsepower is because engines were invented, in part, to do the work that horses used to do, not because we need to know how much coal a car can move over a certain period of time. Horsepower is useful because it’s a consistent unit of measure. And then I thought for which work we need expensive engines , fuels and etc. that power Horse have in itself. And My this im