Just Me & Superpower

Just Me & Superpower Hi Jignesh here, today I am sharing my visualize theme with randomly captured moment while we friends on Trip of " Height of Sky GIRNAR" and enjoying the beauty of superpower . Basically I created this theme on the basis of my own thinking which is: I am waiting eagerly for my boat captain to row my b oat Against the flow to my only Destination The Image was captured by one of my friend at The Lord shree krishna's marriage place " Madhavpur ". captured image was randomly and I think that is only the reason behind it always makes me remind about the fun we had in our trip. so that was the fact about this theme. I am working on another same theme and ASAP I will share it with you by same platform and please share with me if you guys have any theme in your imagination. guys one more most important thing I have which I would like to share that i...