
Showing posts from July, 2021

Obstinacy of wave ride

Ride on Wave 🚧 Work in Progress Thanks πŸ‘

Just Me & Superpower

 Just Me & Superpower          Hi Jignesh here, today I am sharing my visualize theme with randomly captured moment while we friends on Trip of " Height of Sky  GIRNAR" and enjoying the beauty of superpower . Basically I created this theme on the basis of my own thinking which is: I am waiting eagerly for my boat captain to row my b oat Against the flow to my only Destination        The Image was captured by one of my friend at  The Lord shree krishna's marriage place " Madhavpur ".  captured image was randomly and I think that is only the reason behind it always makes me remind about the fun we had in our trip. so that was the fact about this theme.        I am working on another same theme and ASAP I will share it with you by same platform and please share with me if you guys have any theme in your imagination.  guys one more most important thing I have which I would like to share that i...


PORTABLE MAGIC some one said "Reading brings us unknown friends" it can be experience while reading. ||   The simpler life is, the more stress will be half.    || Hi, Jignesh here and again I am sharing one more experience with theme of imagination. β€œthe people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It's not. It is the opposite of vulgarity.” For me most luxurious thing in world is  "eating while you read unless it be reading while you eat " Books have the magical power to transport us to new imagine worlds and different times , but they can also take us back to the important moments in our own life.