THE SHORE OF MY HOPE Alas, I could stay here till my heart say to go. But I can stay here till I want. Some one has said “ YOU CAN’T STOP THE WAVES BUT YOU CAN LEARN TO SURF “ And I am truly inspired by this thought. As we all have challenges at all steps of life and we pass from that all challenges by self with ups and downs but main thing is we all have problems in our life so we don’t have to stop but have to learn and surf from the challenges. How river make their own way by itself we also have to make our own way with strong moral principles and determination. It’s a one of the way to of satisfied yourself. Ok let me come to theme. In this theme I am sitting at river side and experiencing natures amazing colors with precious quietness. For me this is a place where my mind forget all worries, happiness and fill just like alone In whole world for some time. And that little magical moment charge me to move on. It all tricks are experienced by someone and they us...